After 2 months, I am back.. writing something.. nothing much to be shared.. nothing interesting ( or maybe i've forgotten stories to be told.. :P )...
Officially starting from 01/07, I will be an employee of another company.. hrm.. nope, i'm quitting my job yaa.. it's just tht one big name thot my co is having bright future, so they bought us over.. :P :P.. anyhow, i'm praying this new alignment and taking over is going to be the best for me & my friends.. it's sad when few of us decided to leave & also have to leave.. :( .. i am wishing them all the best.. n' dont forget to always keep in touch (FB is A MUST)..
okie.. till then.. not to late to ask u guyz to SAMBAAA!! GO BRASIL GO!!!!
* world cup fever .. :P :P
Loc: Dubai